Anaerobic Colombian
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee
DECAF Colombian Tolima - Coffee

Anaerobic Colombian

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The Cup: Sweet and sugary with lots of winey fruit acidity, rich chocolate, ripe berries, cranberry and cocoa flavors.

Located in Ciudad Bolivar, Antioquia, La Reserva exemplifies the struggle that is coffee farming, but also a sign of what’s possible with perseverance. The 52-acre farm is split between two areas, and nearly half this land is within a protected nature preserve and is home for a wide diversity of plants and animals, including the endangered Andean Bear. The other half of the land lies on its own and has seen its fair share of challenges, as the previous owners were unable to maintain it due to insufficient profit from low coffee prices.

The land has now been taken over by a pioneering farmer, Juan Felipe, who looked past the abandoned plots and saw the teeming potential for specialty coffee. Noticing the fertile lands and high altitudes, between 1,600 m.a.s.l. and 2,000, Juan took the initiative to breathe new life into this beautiful farm.

In its third year of focused specialty production, the coffees from La Reserva are already showcasing the depth and diversity of its land. Consisting primarily of Caturra and Colombia varieties, the coffee possesses pronounced citrus fruit character, natural sweetness, and pleasantly creamy body. The utilization of various processing techniques, whether it be washed, honey, or natural, only further accentuates the diversity of flavors possible from the coffee at La Reserva.

This 8oz Anaerobic processed Colombian coffee is easily the most eccentric coffee that we have had the pleasure of presenting to you! It has an insanely juicy body and very prominent notes of pineapple and mango.

Now let’s move on to the process. First the coffee is de-pulped and the seeds are placed inside the fermentation tanks. The separated mucilage is then tightly packed into a gel-like consistency and added to the fermentation tank until it covers the entire parchment. As the fermentation begins the levels of O2 diminish and the CO2 increase, creating pressure in the fermentation tank. The process lasts between 18 to 23 hours – long enough for the mucilage to be consumed, but not so long that alcohol is produced. After 15 hours the pH needs to be constantly controlled to determine how the fermentation is progressing.

The pressure created by the CO2 allows the flavors of the coffee juices to be injected into the parchment. Once the fermentation has concluded the tanks are opened (carefully!!! Due to the high pressure). The coffee is then sun dried for at least 4 hours otherwise the fermentation might continue and the flavors would change.

Origin Columbia
Region Tolima
Farm Multiple Producers
Variety Columbia
Altitude 1,600 to 2,000 masl
Process Method Anaerobic Natural
Taste Juicy Body, Pineapple, Mango
NOTE: Nothing is blended with our pure coffees. Taste descriptions are our Master Roaster's interpretation of the the flavor of our all natural coffees.

MORE: Click here for more details about the impact your coffee purchase has on the local community in Tolima, Columbia. CLICK