Master Roaster


Hi, I'm Caleb! I grew up in Ottawa, Canada and moved to the states about 5 years ago for Bible school. After graduation, I found the love of my life, and we married in November of 2015. We had already started working in full-time ministry with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at University. Essentially, we were missionaries to the university campus. I had the privilege of seeing young men and women grow in their understanding of God and become bold believers on the university campus. Shortly after our wedding, I went to a pastor's conference and heard about the 10/40 window. This window encompasses the least evangelized parts of the world. It was there when I felt guided by God, and I realized that most of these countries were coffee growing regions. The Lord began to speak to me about starting a coffee business in my hometown. I already knew quite a bit about coffee and had a growing passion for the industry; I previously worked in a coffee shop in 2010 and then at a specialty coffee roastery in 2012. With these experiences and a growing desire to roast the best coffee and make a difference in the world I decided to become a full-time Master Coffee Roaster!

I specialize in high end specialty coffee roasting. All in all, coffee has a strong draw for me not only because of its incredible flavor potential, but also for its miraculous ability to draw people from all kinds of walks together. It is truly my love for people that gives me a greater appreciation for coffee. It is a product that is 100% dependent on people of all different ages, ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, political views, and religious beliefs.

Roast Master